Pola Askop
As: 318 vs Kop: 308
CB: 3/1
Kontrol 2D : 7605243
Angka Main 2D
189465 vs 465370
Jumlah : 1235678
84. 86. 83. 87. 80.
96. 95. 93. 97. 46.
43. 47. 64. 65. 60.
56. 53. 57. 50
As: 318 vs Kop: 308
CB: 3/1
Kontrol 2D : 7605243
Angka Main 2D
189465 vs 465370
Jumlah : 1235678
Line 2D senin
14. 16. 15. 17. 10.84. 86. 83. 87. 80.
96. 95. 93. 97. 46.
43. 47. 64. 65. 60.
56. 53. 57. 50
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