Pola Askop
As: 071 vs Kop: 234
CB: 3/1
Kontrol 2D : 5823469
Angka Main 2D
289345 vs 017829
Jumlah : 3971842
98. 92. 30. 31. 37.
38. 32. 39. 49. 50.
51. 57. 58. 52. 59
As: 071 vs Kop: 234
CB: 3/1
Kontrol 2D : 5823469
Angka Main 2D
289345 vs 017829
Jumlah : 3971842
Line 2D senin
29. 89. 90. 91. 97.98. 92. 30. 31. 37.
38. 32. 39. 49. 50.
51. 57. 58. 52. 59
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